The Best UX Design Blogs

5 min readApr 23, 2022

Are you intrigued by UX design and want to find out more? Maybe you’re a budding designer on the cusp of being an experienced expert seeking cutting-edge content or good career guidance?

Whatever level you’re at on the UX process, you’ll find that the web is filled with free resources. UX blog sites for design should always be the primary option. The sheer number of blogs there could be somewhat of a double-edged sword, however; With so many options to choose from, how do you determine which ones are worth your time?

To help you save time scrolling and sorting through the results of searches We’ve put together an extensive list of the top UX design blogs available currently. We’ve got:

1. The top UX blog on design for novices

This section will find top-quality and beginner-friendly UX Design blogs. These are the best blogs to get a good understanding of the field and to learn about the most important UX design principles and processes.


Its CareerFoundry blog is a great resource for anyone who is considering an occupation in UX design and also those already studying UX or are just beginning their UX career.

It provides detailed explanations of each of the essential concepts, including the concept of design thinking and human-centered designs as well as step-by-step instructions for every aspect that comprise the UX design process from conducting research on users and deriving personas for users to designing the first prototype wireframes.

There’s plenty of articles to help determine if a career within UX design is the best option for you. It also includes details about the field, including the most current pay guides, interview tips and suggestions for your UX portfolio of designs. The CareerFoundry blog provides expert advice written in a user-friendly manner that makes it a good beginning point for new UX designers.

UX Planet

UX Planet is branded as an “one-stop source for all things that has to do with user experience” that includes anything from guides for beginners career advice to thought-provoking articles. If you’re just beginning to get started in UX go to UX Planet’s UX for novices section to get all kinds of basic material to help you get started, including an UX guide for people who aren’t designers.

The good thing with UX Planet is the fact that it features a wide variety of contributors who have joined UX from diverse backgrounds. In addition to the standard guides and how-tos there’s also a wealth of encouragement, advice and lots of “real talking” about what it takes to get started in UX.

2. The top UX design blogs to get information on the industry and career path

This section highlights the top UX design blogs that are great for expanding your understanding and staying current with developments in the field. These blogs are great for those who have an appreciation of fundamentals of UX and are looking to find out more about its application in real-world situations. The majority (if but not every) these blogs mentioned include an excellent set of career tips.

UX Collective

UX Collective UX Collective is the largest design magazine on the blogging platform Medium created and edited by the award-winning designer Fabricio Teixeira, along with fellow designer Caio Braga.

The UX Collective’s own words are that UX Collective seeks to cut through the clutter, to select the best UX contentand present it to the public in a more organized and digestible format. You’ll find a wealth of information and knowledge that are shared by professionals as well as strategies for applying UX design in real-world situations and insightful reflections about the design of well-known products and services.

Not to mention advice for your career along with portfolio-building tips and general advice to assist you in becoming more effective UX designer. If you’re looking to get a bird’s-eye perspective of the UX industry, you may join The UX Collective weekly newsletter.

3. The top UX design blogs to draw inspiration from

This section is focused on what we believe to be the top UX design websites to find ideas and inspiration. When you’re working on an UX project and require assistance in stimulating your creativity or tackling a particular issue The blogs listed below will allow you to look outside of the box.


Although the awwwards blog might appear to be a bit UI heavy initially but it’s an excellent source of ideas to UX designers. In the UX section, also known as the UX / UI part of the site there is a wealth of case studies and information to spark your creativity.

Take a look at this article on unique and innovative E-commerce experience that highlights unique methods to microcopy and site navigation and such as this UX Portfolio example. Each piece of content is with visual examples and illustrations, which help illustrate the concepts. If you’re keen on the two aspects of UX as well as UI layout, and in how they interact Awwwards offers a great combination of both.


Muzli’s blog Muzli blog is brimming with UX design cases that make it a great resource if you’re looking for ideas or need to know how the principles of UX can be applied to real-world projects.

The case studies on display come from a variety of designers, offering direct insight into the manner in which a UX research paper should be presented and the types of issues UX designers confront every day in their tasks. This is particularly helpful for those who are new to UX design and are working in your own portfolio. Additionally, you’ll find a collection of design inspirations for the week and semi-regular posts that offer suggestions and tips.




Hi, My name is Andre Johnson. I am a WordPress Expert and Marketer. I live in the United States of America.